I am a collector of quotes. I love them. My children love them. And to my surprise, my son-in-law loves them. I think I get that from my mom. She collects funny cartoons, quotes, poems, etc. and puts them in a notebook. It is one of the things I hope to inherit from her. Maybe I'd better get my name in for it.
One of my favorite quotes is "Wherever I wander, wherever I roam, wherever my mom is will always be home." When I think about it, this quote is absolutely true. We simply can't do without our moms! I used to tell people that when I need to be straightened out, I call my sister, Joyce, and tell her to work me over. I love how she cuts to the point. Ordinarily she wouldn't be so blunt, but she can tell when I call that I'm serious about her laying it out on the line. Then I would call my sister, Betty, for sympathy. Don't get me wrong, all three of us are tenderhearted saps. Joyce is just as bad as I am if not worse. I just have another job for her! :) Lately, though, I have been telling Betty that she is getting a little on Joyce's territory, so I go to mom for sympathy. :) That's where I should have gone in the first place!
There is no one on earth that can give you sympathy like your mom! Moms give you sympathy for anything from a mild cold to a serious illness! They help you through hurt feelings from being called names in elementary school to breaking up with our boyfriends. We all know that we would rather suffer whatever it is than have our children go through it. There is a famous quote by Elizabeth Stones about "having a child is deciding forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." So true!
We jokingly call going to spend a few days with mom & dad "going to the spa". We joke about it, but there is some truth to it. Its like a spa for the soul.
Moms are also a source of quotes that we never forget. Some of my favorites are:
"Honesty is the best policy."
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."
"Straighten up and fly right."
"I'm going to turn around twice and I'll be the only one left in this room."
"I'll owe it to you 'til the day I die before I cheat you out of it." Mom quoted this a lot, but she got it from her Uncle Billy. There are so many more. I'll have to think about it and write them in a later blog.
These days we can talk to mom any time we want. Cell phones take us to her in nothing flat. Unconditional love! That's what a mom is! Sorry, I need to go, I have to call mom!