Yesterday Dennis and I had such a fun time with Molly. She is growing up entirely too fast. One of Aaron's co-workers gave her a belated birthday present, a baby Cabbage Patch doll named Merrily. Molly actually plays with her like a baby doll and calls her "baby" in Molly language. I am enchanted. This is new. We have seen her play with her play center table but mothering a baby doll is something else. I especially love it when she walks around carrying Merrily upside down. Hayley did that, and there is a picture of me with my baby doll in my arms upside down. Good mothering must run in our family. :D I don't think I actually carried Hayley or Nicholas upside down, though. I guess I got the hang of it by the time they were born.
Molly also LOVES to play outside. That is Grandpa Dennis' time.
Molly points to a certain cement block on the patio for Dennis to sit THERE. They also have yelling matches. They take turns yelling. It is priceless to watch. Dennis' face couldn't smile any bigger. He also puts her up on his shoulders so she can see over the fence into the neighbor's yard. They have dogs there. Molly is a dogaholic just like her parents, Grandpa, and Uncle Nicholas. She definitely didn't get that from me.
I was so tired that I was about to drop when we went there, but a dose of Molly is good for what ails you. I'm sure you can tell that being a grandmother is one of the biggest blessings I've ever received in my life. Thank you, Heavenly Father! (And please send me some more if you don't mind.)
God Ordained Darkness
5 years ago
Molly is absolutely overflowing with love for life. She cracks me up pretty much every minute she is awake.