Things are on my mind lately. People we care a lot about are desperately ill. We are working on landscaping. Tri-State Music Festival is coming up soon. I have doctor appointments to try to keep up with. These are just a few of the things crowding my mind. There's nothing wrong with any of them. They do need my attention.
But, am I really willing to dwell on these things and forget about what my Lord and Savior did for me on the cross? Do I really stop and focus my mind on Jesus' resurrection? Sadly, not near enough! There is no greater sacrifice than the sacrifice He made to atone for my sins. I am so flawed that it amazes me that He found me worthy of this sacrifice. I should definitely not take that lightly.
So, with that in mind, I am challenging you to join me this year in rejoicing. Rejoice that every year Spring comes to remind us of our new lives in Christ Jesus. Our blessings flow over us like a river. So along with our prayers to God for healing of our precious loved ones, let's don't forget to thank Him for His overwhelming love shown to us by sending His Son to die on the cross.
He is risen! He is risen indeed!
(If you don't know what I am talking about and want to know more, contact me. I would love to share my faith with you.)
God Ordained Darkness
5 years ago
Thank you (and Dad) for teaching me this at an early age! Love you!