

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy 34th Birthday, Aaron!

Happy Birthday to our handsome son-in-law, Aaron.  Hayley made a wonderful choice in husbands.  He's a great guy, even though he is a brat!  (Fits right in our family. Dennis and Nicholas are brats, too!)

Actually, he is a fine young man, great husband, and loving father.  It is obvious just by watching him with Molly how much he loves her and vice versa!  Molly is a fortunate little girl.

We  see so many great qualities in Aaron.  He is a hard worker, a good provider, and a tender-hearted man.  I always notice his good manners, too.  We are so glad that he has a heart for God.  That is very important to us.  We have no doubt that he and Hayley will raise Molly in a Christian home.

So sorry that Aaron had to work on his birthday.  There ought to be a law about that!  :D  Dennis and I hope he has a good day and a fun evening with his precious family.  It sounds like they're going to  the Thunder game.  That should be fun.

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